Idea, Design, Research, Listening
Date : Nov 21, 2022Every single process of creation begins with an idea. In this aspect we are receptive to suggestions of our workers, indirect clients and target consumers. It results in numerous innovative projects which very often evolve into totally new products or upgrades for already existing ones. Should you have any suggestions which you would like to share with us, please write us at our email:
Our long-standing experience in hi-fi cables manufacturing has taught us that there is always some space for improvement and doing something better. If there are people who suppose otherwise, they are certainly wrong. New technologies, brilliant notions, inventions... We keep our finger on the pulse.
A design phase is inextricably linked with research. We do most of the development research on our own. Moreover, we consistently extend our research base and incorporate new companies which closely cooperate with Audiomica Laboratory. The companies give us access to measuring equipment and newest technologies which are unobtainable for us.
Theory not always goes hand in hand with practice and thus after the laboratory research all the prototypes go to our listening room. In this room the final verification takes place. After this practical session, the prototypes go again through all the preproduction stages: idea, design, research and finally back to the listening room. Our analysis shows that only 20% of the prototypes successfully go through all the preproduction stages.
Despite the fact that we own plenty of listening equipment in a properly adopted acoustic room, we have also decided to lend the prototypes to a test group. We have practiced it since we introduced our Excellence Series. After we receive feedback from our test group, we implement all necessary changes and send the improved versions back for further evaluation. Tests carried out in over twenty different hi-fi systems resulted in an award from High Fidelity Magazine: Best Product 2012. The list of testers is not closed yet and we successively widen their number at each Warsaw Audio Show.